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Re: a "never relays" parameter

2004-06-08 18:20:31
 Daniel Quinlan <quinlan(_at_)pathname(_dot_)com> writes:

Let me run an idea past you all.  How about an SPF parameter to indicate
that only permitted senders may relay messages?  That is, nobody else
would be allowed to relay messages from the sender, period.  (This is
not the same as "-all".)

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.  If I understand you
correctly, MS's Caller-ID has a similar flag, but I don't understand
what that means either and MS has been pretty vague about explaining

If I'm billing.aol.com, how am I supposed to know that sending email
to foo(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com will end up being forwarded, while 
will be direct?  Why should I care?  Foo(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com could be relaying
via 20 hops of uucp over telebits for all anyone knows or cares.


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