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Re: cnn report

2004-06-18 18:24:02
On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 15:54, Karl Prince wrote:

The bit about AOL developing SPF was interesting, not sure if 
this is Vint Cerf or the "journalist" though.

Normally I would quickly state that such a journalist should avoid the
technical arena, but in this case, its not technophobia or even an
inability to properly comprehend the details in question, no in this
case I would recommend this journalist find a new line of work since
they are clearly not capable of something I like to call "RESEARCH".

No offense intended to Carl Hutzler, IMHO to whom so much is 
owed for getting SPF to the mainstream.

Indeed.  I tip my hat in his general direction.  



James Couzens,
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