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Re: Re: Digest 1.357 for spf-discuss

2004-06-30 05:29:39
On Wed, June 30, Frank Ellermann wrote:
David Beveridge wrote:

Also try http://vweb.nass.com.au/cgi-bin/dnslookup

Something with your dig -tany doesn't work as expected (no TXT,
no MX), the results aren't like nslookup -q=any.  Or is this a
problem of your DNS server ?

If the server being queried doesn't support recursion, (like mine)
you'll often just get the NS or SOA records returned in the first query.
Sometimes it just returns root name servers.

If you then cut & paste the name servers returned into the
server to query box and do the query again, you should get
the correct TXT records displayed.

Sorry I should have probably explained that before.
The server to query box is meant to be there so you can
see what a particular DNS Server knows.

Perhaps I should figure out how to get recursion working.


I'm sure there's plenty more like it.

Web interfaces, yes.  But I'm not aware of any whois interface
for the stripped down nslookup -q=txt output, something like a
spf.whois server
                      Bye, Frank

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