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CHALLENGE: a list of 100 Good Domains

2004-07-27 15:13:06
Here are ten domains that are not spammers.


(Amazon.com may have sent you something you consider spam,
but they are still generally considered to be a good example
rather than one of the bad guys because you can actually opt
out of their mailings according to standard best practices.)

(It is possible that a spammer may have once hijacked an AOL
account and spammed you through AOL's mail servers, but AOL
in general are still considered one of the good guys because
they do aggressively filter outbound mail to keep this sort
of thing from becoming a problem.)

(Spam that forges aol.com doesn't count.)

This is a public challenge.

By July 31st 2004, publish a list of 100 Good Domains
who are not spammers.

By August 16th 2004, publish a list of 1000 Good Domains.

By August 31st 2004, publish a list of 10,000 Good Domains.

The contest closes either when somebody posts 1,000,000 Good
Domains, or at the end of September 2004, whichever comes

Your list of names should describe the senders of a large
fraction of the non-spam mail on the Net.  The bigger the
fraction, the better.  If you've already got 99 names and
have to choose between aol.com and mengwong.com, choose AOL.

To qualify, submitted domain names must be real.

Domain names must have an A record or an MX record.
Domain names that never send mail do not count.
Domain names that are being "held" eg. foo.com do not count.

Making up your own domain name, such as
look-at-the-pretty-wildcards.apple.com doesn't count.

You can send me the list by email, or by putting it on the
web and mailing the url to spf-discuss.


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