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Re: Authentication, Accreditation, and Reputation

2004-08-13 16:19:37
On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 07:08:51PM -0400, John Glube wrote:
To avoid repeating myself, I note the comments I made here:


Any suggestions on some of the specific issues raised concerning
accreditation services would be appreciated.

Just a voice of support.  I agree with your position on how an
accreditation system must be run.  One quibble:

  "* It must be affordable, so as to not amount to a barrier
     to entry to micro business owners, while at the same time,
     there must be sufficient penalties for non-performance,
     such that folks won't want to break the rules. "

I'd s/micro-business owners//g .  "Vanity" domain owners (gods, how I
hate that term...I bought my domains to provide myself with a persistent
identity, not to satisfy my vanity) would have to pay as well.  If such
an accreditation system could be brought into play in a manner such that
individuals could participate, it'd be wonderful.

You seem to grok the idea that the stick to be wielded with an
accreditation system is not monetary cost, but exclusion from
participation (and other real-world penalties).

Mark C. Langston            GOSSiP Project          Sr. Unix SysAdmin
mark(_at_)bitshift(_dot_)org   http://sufficiently-advanced.net    
Systems & Network Admin      Distributed               SETI Institute
http://bitshift.org       E-mail Reputation       http://www.seti.org