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.name help

2004-08-17 13:30:00
Koen wrote:

Yes, but with SES you don't have the info on who was the previous
forwarder, unless you keep a database which sounds a bit cumbersome to
me. I know how this works with SRS, but I thought you suggested SES.

Only the original MTA does SES. If there is a signed envelop sender
(starting with "SES"), then the forwarders don't have to modify it. But is
does not harm if the forwarder applies SRS.


name(_at_)example(_dot_)com sends mail to <john(_at_)forwarder1(_dot_)com>. The 
envelop sender is

The first forwarder (not aware of SES) applies SRS and sends it to
<jimmy(_at_)forwarder2(_dot_)com>. The envelop sender is

The second forwarder (not aware of SES) applies SRS and sends it to
<ben(_at_)final(_dot_)com>. The envelop sender is

The bounce is sent to
then to <SRS0=yyy=example(_dot_)com=SES=xxx=name(_at_)forwarder1(_dot_)com> and 
then to


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