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Wildcard DNS entry

2004-09-09 23:19:00
Guy wrote:

True, but some will have 1000s of records to add.

It seems you did not notice that I wrote "**", not "*". The wildcard "**"
means "Use this RR if there is no RR of the same type and only if the
subdomain exists (has other RRs)"

Please look again at my sample:

watkins-home.com.       txt     "v=spf1 ..."
**.watkins-home.com.    txt     "v=spf1 -all"
www.watkins-home.com.   a
www.watkins-home.com.   txt     "My first web server!"
www.watkins-home.com.   txt     "v=spf1 -all"
hot.watkins-home.com.   a
hot.watkins-home.com.   txt     "v=spf1 a -all"
ftp.watkins-home.com.   a

Only for www.watkins-home.com "v=spf1 -all" is required because there is
another TXT record ("My first web server!"). For all other subdomains with
an A record but no TXT record you don't have to add "v=spf1 -all".

If there were domains that have 1000s of non-SPF TXT records, then SPF
should really have been stored at the subdomain "_spf" or "spf".

That was a major point. We were talking the future.

In the future will we have a dedicated SPF1 record type and the problem you
mentioned ("bind would not know the difference between two unrelated txt
records") will not be there. So we are not talking about the future.

With a small feature added to bind, only 1 extra record would be needed.

That will not help now. The current SPF implementations will not query the
new record type but the TXT record.


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