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Observations on SPF record publishing in .edu

2004-09-15 11:45:30
I decided to do an informal survery of SPF record publishing in .edu domains, 
specifically US colleges and universities.  I chose this group partly out of 
personal curiosity and partly because it is easy to find a fairly complete 
list.  (Yahoo is pretty reliable on colleges and universities.)

This was not a carefully designed or carefully recorded survey, but I came away 
with some impressions I think are accurate.

1. SPF record publishing is not concentrated by region, state, administrative 
unit or religious affiliation.  Non publishing, although harder to judge, also 
appears unaffected by the same parameters.

2. Total SPF record publishing so far is a small fraction of all the colleges 
and universities.

3. Most SPF records are published by small to medium sized institutions.  The 
big exceptions are UC Berkeley and Columbia

4. Private, church affiliated and public institutions are all publishing.  I 
would say that the private and church affiliated schools are somewhat ahead, in 
percentage, of the public institutions.  This may be secondary to size.

5. Schools well known for computer science departments are no more likely, 
perhaps somewhat less likely, than others to have published.  This may also be 
secondary to size.

6.  "Technical" schools are no more likely to have published than general or 
liberal arts curriculum schools.

7. Probably 2/3 of institutions with spf records have registered them at 
http://www.spftools.net/register.php before I got to them.  (I registered the 
ones I found.)

8. The error and warning rate appears higher than recorded at the registry.  
Most of the errors have been typos or simple omissions.  A couple indicated 
serious misunderstanding of the syntax. 


1. SPF record publishing is probably being decided on a one by one basis, very 
likely by very small groups of people, perhaps only one, at each institution.

2. People composing records are not as likely to use the wizards and validators 
as one would like.  Essentially all of the errors would have been caught by the 
online tools.  None of the records appears to have come from the faulty 
Microsoft wizard.

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