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Re: Re: MAIL FROM address literals etc.

2004-10-14 06:32:52
Frank Ellermann wrote:

But normally receivers have to accept legitimate mail to their
postmaster mailbox.

Only if you made it until RCPT TO without prior rejection, of course. Since
MAIL FROM precedes RCPT TO, the matter of having to accept legitimate mail
to postmaster is, at MAIL FROM, not in scope yet. So, rejecting at MAIL FROM
does *not* make one RFC-ignorant for not accepting mail to the postmaster
inbox, since, at that stage, the sender has not even been given the chance
yet to reveal who he wants the recipient to be!

Now if a mailer with IP 1,2.3.4 sends
MAIL FROM:<user(_at_)[1(_dot_)2(_dot_)3(_dot_)4]> to the postmaster
of a system supporting SPF, then this will
always FAIL with a reason "malformed domain".

But [] isn't a "malformed domain", it's a "Domain" as
specified in RFC 2821.  Are systems supporting SPF potential

No. See above.

Is this a bug in the actual SPF draft ?

No. See above.

- Mark

        System Administrator Asarian-host.org

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