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Re: I hate to interrupt all this for something practical, but.... we need a concise, easy-to-follow set of SPF instructions in file format - anyone able to help?

2004-10-26 12:19:03
On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 12:06:03PM -0700, Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. 
<amitchell(_at_)isipp(_dot_)com> wrote:
| Sorry to interrupt the fun, but, we need a set of "how to set up SPF
| records" instructions which are very easy to follow, for (ideally) the
| most commonly deployed set-ups (think on both an enterprise and
| home-business server level).
| Pointing to the SPF wizard and SPF pages doesn't work for this need,
| although linking to the wizard *in* the text file would.
| This is for widespread distribution - so consider it supporting a push
| for further adoption.  It would be distributed by us (at no charge),
| but we would *absolutely* include appropriate attribution.
| If anybody already has some pages which can be pulled together for
| this, or would be willing to pull something together, please contact
| me offlist at amitchell at isipp.com.

i am working on a white paper that addresses the above and
would be happy to share an advance copy with you and with
anyone else who needs something like this.

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