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Re: A delightfully novel idea

2004-10-31 11:50:47
On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 11:30 -0600, wayne wrote:
 <marc(_at_)alaia(_dot_)net> writes:

From the spf.pobox.com website:
discuss: all things relating to SPF, high volume, many members 
devel: anyone involved in developing an SPF client should join, commercial 
or not. 

Therefore, the topic of development of the spf spefication belongs on 

/me agrees

Hrumph.  Do you guys want to get this done or not?  I think its fair to
say that there is plenty of distraction in here much of it of a highly
political nature, and it hasn't help movement forward one bit.  In
addition to this there are those who rehash already settled issues and
sometimes in an ambiguous way such that discussion ensues only to
discover its already been done/dealt with/etc..

If I'm the only one that feels this way well, so be it... I really think
this entire group has suffered in so many ways and things like this are
a perfect example.  Its exceptionally hard to keep focus in here.  Am I
the only one that feels this way?



James Couzens,
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