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Re: [OT] HTML rant

2004-11-05 09:22:15
Jon Bertrand wrote:

Still, contact forms exist for a good reason.

Sure, I've no problem with it if it's in addition to a mailto.

Using mailto cut access off for a lot of people.

A plain text mailbox address without mailto: is also fine, but
then anti-harvesting tricks are more difficult.  So far I'm
happy with my stupid <http://purl.net/xyzzy/mailto/webmaster>
trick.  With apologies to all real webmasters, I know that
I'm not, but the chosen form is convincing for human users ;-)

These "contacts forms" _never_ work.

_never_ ?  They do seem to fail a lot but I know _one_ that

In some cases like the heise.de forum the forms are okay, but
my legacy browser won't let me input € whatever I do.

It's impossible to force text/plain with contact forms, and I
really want the line breaks where I set them, I want to quote
as always, I want to add inline message/rfc822 parts, etc.

                         Bye, Frank

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