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Re: Re: What's up with the Adoption Roll

2004-11-25 14:06:40
On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 20:47 +0100, Frank Ellermann wrote:
Jon Bertrand wrote:


That list is something between utter dubious and completely
bogus, after an PHP warning about a problem in line 341 of
register.php it displays raw CSS constructs as part of the
HTML body, and then it lists TLD .lu with 26596 domains on
place 2.

Do not worry about it, I assure you that you are correct in that there
are invalid domains entered within the database, however, the new site
is complete and may even go live this evening.  The "troubles" with PHP
are because of the changes made to the server, and the rather fragile
codebase that the existing spftools site is using has made it difficult
to support both the new and old site in unison.  Thankfully this will
all be moot very soon.

Thanks for taking the time to raise this issue however, and I appreciate
all of the feedback and "heads up" information I get although I will
stipulate that you will get a much faster response by notifying me



James Couzens,
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