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Re: Should I include major ISPs in SPF for our hosted domains?

2004-12-31 12:02:49
On Fri, 2004-12-31 at 02:47, Greg Connor wrote:
--Øyvind Henriksen <oyvind(_at_)increo(_dot_)no> wrote:

[Regarding adding a couple large ISPs to the default SPF record for hosted 

I think this will benefit our users and simplify things a lot when
rolling out SPF, but I am concerned that it will result in a flawed
deployment, and maybe it will come back and haunt me in the future? :-)

This is the text i want to add, in addition to the rest of my SPF setup:
"include:online.no include:broadpark.no include:c2i.net

Which reminds me I scripted up another approach in perl.
It uses a file that you can download from
http://ip-to-country.webhosting.info/ .
Then it's zcat ip-to-country.csv.zip | grep NORWAY | subnet.pl >
dns_output .

It's not finished yet, but here is an attachment of what I have so far.
I need to add the stuff for when you need to split a lookup even further
so that you can have you TXT records stay slimmer than 512 bytes.

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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# http://www.schlitt.net/spf/spf_classic/draft-schlitt-spf-classic-00.html
# http://ip-to-country.webhosting.info/
# 452602 bytes big
our $dname="spf-no.example.com.";

sub num2ip {
  my $num = $_[0];
  my $a = (0xff000000 & $num) >> 24;
  my $b = (0xff0000 & $num) >> 16;
  my $c = (0xff00 & $num) >> 8;
  my $d = (0xff & $num) ;
  return $a . "." . $b . "." . $c . "." . $d ; }

sub get_subnet {
  my $a; my $b;
  ($a, $b)= @_ ;
  my $low = $a & $b;
  my $high = $a | $b;
  $low = $high - ($low ^ $high);
  my $span= $high - $low;
  my $snet=24;
  if ($span > 256)  {$snet= 31-(int log($span)/log(2));}
  $low = $low & (0xffffffff << (32-$snet));
  return ($low, $snet); }

sub print_2nd_level {
  my $net= $_[0];
  my $addresses = $_[1];
  print $net,'.ipv4.',$dname,
         ' IN TXT "v=spf1 include %{i2r}.%{v}.',$dname,"\"\n";
  print "*.",$net,'.ipv4.',$dname,
         ' IN TXT "v=spf1 ~all', "\"\n";

my @nets;
my $loop_var;
for ($loop_var=0;$loop_var<256;$loop_var++) {
  $nets[$loop_var]= { }; }
for (<>) {
  my $a; my $b;
  my $low; my $snet;
  my $low2; my $snet2;
  $_ =~ /\"(\d+)\",\"(\d+)\"/;
  ($a, $b) = (int $1,int $2);
  ($low,$snet)= get_subnet($a,$b);
  $nets[(0xff000000 & $low) >> 24]{$low}=$snet;

print $dname,' IN TXT "v=spf1 include %{i1r}.%{v}.',$dname,"\"\n";
print '*.ipv4.', $dname,' IN TXT "v=spf1 ~all"',"\n";
my $net;
foreach $net (0 .. $#nets) {
  my $ad_sz=keys(%{$nets[$net]} );
  #print $ad_sz,"\n";
  if ($ad_sz >20 ) {
    print_2nd_level($net, \%{$nets[$net]} );
  } elsif ($ad_sz) {
    my $glist="";
    my $address;
    foreach $address (keys %{$nets[$net]} ) {
      $glist .= ("ipv4:" . num2ip($address) .
                    "/" . $nets[$net]{$address} . " ");
      #print $net, " ", $address, " ", $nets[$net]{$address},"\n";
    print $net,'.ipv4.',$dname,' IN TXT "v=spf1 ', $glist, "\"\n";

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