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Re: [draft-schlitt-spf-classic] Small change in Received-SPF heade

2005-01-05 06:22:06
On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 02:13:38PM +0100,
 Julian Mehnle <bulk(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net> wrote 
 a message of 29 lines which said:

You don't want to apply bayesian filtering to raw e-mail headers, 

On the contrary, you must do it (see

But I think the most important difference is probably that they
ignored message headers. To anyone who has worked on spam filters,
this will seem a perverse decision. And yet in the very first filters
I tried writing, I ignored the headers too. Why? Because I wanted to
keep the problem neat. I didn't know much about mail headers then, and
they seemed to me full of random stuff. There is a lesson here for
filter writers: don't ignore data. You'd think this lesson would be
too obvious to mention, but I've had to learn it several times.