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2005-01-24 03:03:21
<administrator(_at_)yellowhead(_dot_)com> wrote in message

How does one go about separating the Domain Name from the Fully Qualified
Domain Name. For example:

Connect from
EHLO parakeet.mail.pas.earthlink.net
MAIL FROM:<spamblocker-challenge(_at_)bounce(_dot_)earthlink(_dot_)net> 
RCPT TO:<prolatefseuy(_at_)mail(_dot_)yellowhead(_dot_)com>

This is a legitimate message (background bounce actually), but the HELO
Domain and the MAIL FROM: Domain will not pass an SPF test. However, the
actual Domain Name <earthlink.net> will.

J.A. Coutts

In my view,  this is EARTHLINK's responsibility.  They need to SPF authorize
"bounce.earthlink.net" email domain.  Either that or get rid of it and just
use earthlink.net which is as you say, SPF ready.

The burden is not on you to do this "subdomain checking" with SPF1 specs.

Hector Santos, CTO
WCSAP Wildcat! Sender Authentication Protocol
WINSERVER "Wildcat! Interactive Net Server"

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