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Re: Could SPF prevent delivery of Non-SPAM eMail?

2005-02-22 11:12:57
On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 09:34 -0700, Dave Warren wrote:
While true, if you really want to tell the world that you're okay with 
your address being spoofed, why not go all the way and add a +all to 
your SPF record?  Let us know it's not ignorance or apathy but a 
conscious choice.

I'm not OK with my address being spoofed. But I'm not OK with the
breakage that SPF introduces either. So I implement some of the better
forgery-prevention techniques instead of SPF. It's certainly not
ignorance or apathy.

That way when the internet finally snaps into two, a well managed side 
and a free-for-all, everybody will know which side you're on.

Well-managed is how I'd describe some of the other anti-forgery
techniques. SPF is just part of the free-for-all, throwing the baby out
with the bathwater just because it seemed like a good idea at the time.
