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Re: Could SPF prevent delivery of Non-SPAM eMail?

2005-02-22 13:57:37
Scott Kitterman wrote:

other anti-forgery techniques.
I'm interested in that.

Would you please enumerate them for me?
http://david.woodhou.se/why-not-spf.html has a brief summary with links
which you can follow for more information.

The problem for those of us who are domain owners, but not mail server
operators is that none of the alternatives are ready for us today.
DomainKeys can be implemented entirely on the client-side (as far as signing, your DNS server still needs to support the appropriate records of course)

SPF can be implemented as a domain owner as long as your mail server supports SPF on their own servers, you just use the "include" directive. If your mail server operator doesn't offer SPF, you need to harass them until they do, or get the IP ranges they own and list those.

It's not ideal, but either are workable.
