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Re: Re: The state of draft-schlitt-spf-classic-00 within the IETF

2005-02-24 21:12:47
I'm going to speak in terms of figure 5, becuase figure 3 seems pretty abstract.

         ...............+ oMUA |<------------------------------+
         .              +--+---+                               |
         .                 |    {smtp, submission              |
         .                 V                                   |
         .              +------+                               |
         .              | MSA  |<--------------------+         |
         .              +--+---+                     |         |
         .                 |    {smtp                |         |
         .                 V                         |         |
         .              +------+                /+===+===+\    |
         .              | MTA  |                ||  dsn  ||    |
   /+==========+\       +--+---+                \+=======+/    |
   || MESSAGE  ||          .    {smtp              ^   ^       |
   ||----------||          .                       |   |       |
   || Envelope ||          .                       |   |       |
   ||  SMTP    ||          V                       |   |       |
   ||  RFC2822 ||       +------+                   |   |   /+==+==+\
   || Content  ||       | MTA  +-------------------+   |   || mdn ||
   ||  RFC2822 ||       +--+---+                       |   \+=====+/
   ||  MIME    ||          |    {local, smtp, lmtp     |       |
   \+==========+/          V                           |       |
         .              +------+                       |       |
         .              |      +-----------------------+       |
         .              | MDA  |                               |
         .              |      |<--------------------+         |
         .              +-+--+-+                     |         |
         .        local}  |  |                       |         |
         .                V  |                       |         |
         .          +------+ |                  /+===+===+\    |
         .          | MS-1 | |                  || sieve ||    |
         .          +-+--+-+ |                  \+=======+/    |
         .            |  |   |  {pop, imap           ^         |
         .            |  V   V                       |         |
         .            | +------+                     |         |
         .            | | MS-2 |                     |         |
         .            | +--+---+                     |         |
         .            |    |    {pop, imap, local    |         |
         .            V    V                         |         |
         .           +------+                        |         |
         ...........>| rMUA +------------------------+---------+

I'm going to lay down some ground rules for my hypothetical environment. (MTA 
also refers to MSAs and MDAs.)
1. If a received email does not contain a return-path header, an MTA should 
create a return-path header based on the envelope sender.
2. If a received email does contain a return-path header, an MTA should not 
alter it or create any additional return-path headers.
3. MTAs should send DSNs to the recipient specified in the return-path header.
4. Forwarders should use the local mailbox as the envelope sender on forwarded 

Using the above logic, spammers could forge return-path headers all day long 
from their MUAs/MSAs and it will cause DSN backscatter, but DSN backscatter is 
not spam. Spammers already cause plenty on DSN backscatter in this manner, but 
I don't think spammers would be motivated to intentionally fill your inbox with 
their spam as DSN-attached files. If DSN-attached SPAM passed SPF at the hop 
from the MSA, then the domain is identifiable.

Forwarders will pass SPF at MTAs/MDAs. DSNs will go back to the oMUA. It would 
be transparent to the rMUA.

I know you tried to explain a loophole in terms of figure three, but I didn't 
really understand it. If you could explain it in terms of figure five, I would 
appreciate it.

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