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Re: For SPF Council review - FAIL PermError vs. NONE NXDOMAIN (was: BTFOOM)

2005-05-22 16:48:54

Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:

On Sun, May 22, 2005 at 04:09:48PM -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:

Since there isn't a .132, .100, or .108 tld, a: a:
a: will all return nxdomain.

In this case, I advised that they go complain to godaddy.com to fix their
record, but in the meantime, should all domains that have
include:godaddy.com in their SPF record be rejected?

I expect the problem to be fixed much sooner when that's done, yes.
The more people complain, the higher it will be on their priority
list.  Right now just one customer complains and, as you pointed
out yourself, godaddy doesn't fix the problem.

I would be more concerned about people perceiving SPF as irrelevant, when problems like this don't result in issues that demand the problem be resolved.


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