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Re: Re: We are *not* required to migrate to type99 SPF DNS RRs

2005-08-12 11:41:52

Frank Ellermann wrote:
wayne wrote:
We are *NOT* committed to moving over to the type99 SPF

It's something that has to happen in the next decade, not
tomorrow or this year.  For the foreseeable future we've
to support both ways as transparently as possible.

Ideas to invent new modifiers for this purpose strike me
as horrible.

At this point in time everybody supporting  / publishing
SPF can also support / publish TXT.  If he picks SPF only
for obscure reasons he deserves whatever happens.

E.g. a TXT policy trying to include a SPF-only policy is

Why?   There will almost certainly be cases of that as time gos on, and they 
need to work.
