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RE: [spf-discuss] News article: Could Microsoft Lose IETF Backing for Sender ID?

2005-09-01 09:18:53
From: Kelly, Michael [mailto:MKelly(_at_)BroadViewSoftware(_dot_)com]
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 7:36 AM

Well, finally, some one who gets most of it right.

Only question I have is, because I am some what new here, are we
privately peeved about MS's PR attempts?

No, we are publicly peeved.

This has been a long and needlessly painful process.  We tried to
collaborate with MS, over the objections of many members here, but cooler
heads prevailed and pointed out that we _had_ to give them a chance.  MS
initially sent in technical folks to negotiate and work out a collaborative
plan, which went fairly well.  There were even some joint drafts authored.
They then followed up with lawyers and corporate types who strategically
made demands they _knew_ were technically and legally unacceptable, and
proceeded to paint us as uncooperative for objecting.  When it became
apparent that MS could not control and own the whole process, they decided
to torpedo it rather than let it succeed outside of their control.  They
nearly succeeded.

You may be new here, but you are a quick study.

Who believes MS's account of what they (MS) claim is true?

Microsoft employees, perhaps.  I suspect most of them are smarter than that
but they know where their paychecks come from.

I haven't trusted what they say about anything since Windows 3.1.
I just get the occasional pleasant surprise.

Given the events of the last fifteen years and the findings of the U.S.
Department of Justice, that is the conclusion a reasonable person would come


Seth Goodman

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