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[spf-discuss] Re: Webmaster for the SPF project's website

2005-09-03 18:28:19
Julian Mehnle wrote in spf-council:

Posting address:    spf-webmasters(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com
Subscribe address:  subscribe-spf-webmasters(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com

Hi, is that something where the Webmaster(s) and you want to
be left alone, or is it like the Council list ?  In the latter
case I could subscribe GMaNe as "unidirirectional" (absolutely
no posting) or "subscribers only" (posting only for subscribed
list members).

The latter can't be guaranteed by GMaNe, the list software
would have to check the (sorry) PRA or rather 2822-From.  All
GMaNe does is to send a challenge for first time posters (per
list), and in the case of a "subscriber-only" list there's an
additional warning in that challenge.  For "public" lists
there's no additional warning.

"Unidirectional" is straight forward, all posting attempts are
rejected.  Finally there's "announce" (as GMaNe status), but
technically that's the same as "unidirectional".

An invitation for the community to help in reviewing and
producing content will also follow shortly.

...or removing "content" like tons of harmful width="nnn" <eg>

                         Bye, Frank

P.S.:  Of course I can't subscribe lists directly on GMaNe, but
       I know how and where to ask.

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