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[spf-discuss] solving the forwarding problem

2005-09-10 03:40:57
Hi !!

just some thoughs on how to resolve the forwarding problem without
having to wait for everybody to use SRS:

- Each SPF enabled domain should add a header on every outgoing
  message with the email address of the recipient, i.e:

  SPF-Original-Recipient: joe(_at_)foo(_dot_)bar

- Receivers doing SPF checks, if that header is present, should
  interpret it this way:

  - if the email in that header is equal to the envelope recipient
    then the message has not been forwarded and neutral/softfail
    could be considered just fail (see problems)

  - if it is not equal then the message has been forwarded and the
    spf result should not be reinterpreted. Anyway it could be easy
    to maintain a database relating envelope recipients and original
    recipients so the system or the final recipient could know if the
    emails comes or not from a trusted forwarder (assuming that each
    user has a limited set of redirections to his address and that he
    knows all of them)


- converting from softfail/neutral to fail is dangerous, it would
  help to define a result (either neutral, softfail or a new one)
  that means "this message does not come from an authorized server,
  no other servers could send email from that domain but due to the
  forwarding problem i canot give a fail result"

- when spam comes with no SPF-Original-Recipient: header there is no
  way to know if the original domain servers had added it. It will help
  to define a mechanism/extension so publishers could let us know if
  they always add that header or not (so messages without that headers
  could just be bounced)

- the only way to overcome this for a spammer is to know the forwarding
  chain for a specific users, this is not impossible but improbable and
  at the end will only allow to spam just one user

Best regards ...

   David Saez Padros                http://www.ols.es
   On-Line Services 2000 S.L.       e-mail  david(_at_)ols(_dot_)es
   Pintor Vayreda 1                 telf    +34 902 50 29 75
   08184 Palau-Solita i Plegamans   movil   +34 670 35 27 53

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