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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF enables fully automatic spam filter

2005-10-19 10:50:00
Spammers don't look at DSNs. Real Spammers send and don't receive. However I hate getting the DSN from systems that don't realize that Spammers also almost always use some innocent persons email and they get the notification as Spam.

People that send notifications (Virus, Spam, etc...) are Spammers too.

Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, Jeroen Massar wrote:

One spammer says: "There's no problem at all to create and control a
100K botnet in a few days.  But there's no reason to do that: existing
few bots, even just a portscan of an adsl range, and their
smarthosts provides *much* more realible and faster spam service"
"..currently, a 100M mailing takes about 3 hours, with high
deliverability.  Botnets are slower and delivery rate is lower."

Reminds me of the joke:

Fat Guy: Aren't you afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
Skinny Guy: No, I can just run away.
Fat Guy: You can't outrun that wolf!
Skinny Guy: I don't have to: I just need to outrun you!

As long as the spammers can deliver their 100M messages to some poor
schmoes, they'll leave the rest of us alone.

That is an argument against sending a quarantine DSN. Why let the spammers know that their message wasn't delivered to a person?

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