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Re: [spf-discuss] Bounce-Spam and SPF-Ignorant ISPs - it is time to retaliate?

2005-11-26 19:12:10
On Saturday 26 November 2005 19:08, Chris wrote:
Is there a better way to stop this crap?  I operate about 100 domains,
and the bounce-spam problem is limited to just 2 of them, with the
spammers apparently doing this:-
MAIL FROM: <$english_dictionary{rand()}(_at_)mydomain(_dot_)com> RET=FULL
RCPT TO: <$english_dictionary{rand()}(_at_)$bouncespamdomain{rand()}>

Hmmm, that implies to me that you are running "catch-all" addressing on those 
two domains.  I did that for about a month on a few of mine - and quickly 
turned it off since I could not "legitamitely" refuse any mail for the domain 
in question...

Larry Smith

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