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[spf-discuss] Re: Weird Mail::SPF::Query test failure

2006-01-18 08:30:45
paddy wrote:

couldn't help but notice
"If you did not send the message:
SPF successfully blocked a forgery attempt; someone tried to
send mail pretending to be from you, but the message was
rejected before anybody saw it. If you received a bounce
message, you can delete it. This means SPF is working as
Especially the last two sentences.

It sounds a bit odd - wasn't SPF about getting rid of bogus
bounces ? - but it's correct:  Zombies don't create bounce
messages if their crap is rejected, after all they know that
they forged the Return-Path,

If you get a bounce it was an ordinary user doing something
stupid (or taking his first lesson in becoming a spammer :-)

I've got one of these so far in 20 months with SPF FAIL, it
was a weird constellation of Murphy resulting in a nice chat
with the sysop of this user - I started with telling them 
that it's not really necessary to inform me about failures
of their illegal activities... <eg>

                               Bye, Frank

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