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Re: [spf-discuss] Fwd: AUTH48 [EN]: RFC 4408 <draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02.txt> NOW AVAILABLE

2006-03-12 16:36:12
Julian Mehnle wrote:

Everyone who can spare the time, please read through the draft (see the first URL above) one last time as thoroughly as you can and report soon any errors you find!

Sorry to admit, this is my first time reading this doc. And it's very impressive. I noted a couple of nits, some of which are probably noted elsewhere (I didn't check), some not relevant to AUTH48 and some you won't agree with! My suggestions are within <<>>. Only one is really an "error" as I see it, the solecism
on page 7.


[Page 6]
Treating "Neutral" more harshly than "None" will <<would>> discourage domain owners from
  testing the use of SPF records (see Section 9.1)

[Page 7]
The domain believes the host is not authorized but
is not willing to make that strong of a statement.<<such a strong statement>>

[Page 8]
This is the same whether the TXT or SPF RR type is used.
<<SPF RR has not been introduced at this stage of doc>>

When publishing via TXT records, beware of other TXT records
  published there for other purposes.  They may cause problems with
  size limits (see Section 3.1.4).
<<Seems soft, given the intense debate about SPF (re)use of TXT.
Perhaps: "respect other TXT records ...., and note that there may be problems ..." It seems disingenuous to suggest that it is the pre-existing records which are causing the problem!>>

[Page 9]
(either TXT and <<or> SPF RR types)

[Page 14]
Modifiers are not mechanisms:<<;>> they do not return match or not-match. <<Definitely a nit!>>

[page 21]
The result of this new evaluation of check_host() is then considered
<<to be>> the result of the current evaluation with the exception that if no.

[Page 22
"%{i} is not one of %{d}'s designated mail servers."
-- a message with a little more info <<information>>, including the IP address
           that failed the check

[Page 29]
Whereas <<Although>> the reasons for
  changing the reverse-path are many and long-standing, SPF adds
  enforcement to this requirement.

[Page 31]
Service providers that offer mail services to third-party domains,
such as sending of bulk mail, may have to <<want to>> adjust their setup in light

[Page 34]
This could include returning "Pass" for an <ip> value
     where the actual domain's record would evaluate to "Fail".  See
     [RFC3833] for a description of the <<delete "the">> DNS weaknesses.

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