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[spf-discuss] SPF implementation for web page

2006-06-07 15:54:44
On the web page


it says to report SPF-supporting software to this mailing list.

Mail Avenger (http://www.mailavenger.org/) supports SPF as an SMTP
daemon that wraps around an existing MTA like sendmail.  It might
provide a useful alternative for people who either don't want to mess
with their MTA configuration, or use an MTA that doesn't yet have an
SPF plug-in.

It's also potentially useful for compliance testing.  Mail Avenger's
SPF implementation is based only on the spec, not existing code, so
checking its output against another implementation might be a good
sanity check that everyone is doing the right thing.

It would be great if someone could add a link to Mail Avenger on the
Implementations page.


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