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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Which SPF implementation to choose?

2006-08-28 22:39:54
I can see this for giving ../33 a permerror, but why is ../0 not allowed?
As Julian points out, it matches any IP4, but not any IP6.

The tests I do are based on M:S:Q (with a few changes which have been put in the latest MSQ)

It uses:
my $cidr = eval { Net::CIDR::Lite->new("$network/$cidr_length") };

to test for a valid address/netmask.

and this is where it fails and gives the error in my "implementation". I guess the reason they fail on /0 is that /0 is just a plain stupid thing to do. Why would someone mean to do this? Why would someone do this on purpose?

so the question is do we permerror or pass on this (as /0 would match any ipv4 address?). How does pyspf test for the validness of the address?


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