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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Which SPF implementation to choose?

2006-08-29 01:45:29
On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 12:40:02AM -0400, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

I can see this for giving ../33 a permerror, but why is ../0 not allowed?
As Julian points out, it matches any IP4, but not any IP6.

If /0 is acceptable for netmasks in other protocols, fine.  But
anything not being a netmask is unacceptable, as is anything
looking weird.  /33 is weird for ip4.  /00 is weird for any

If most other protocols, that odd one excepted, think of /0 as an
error, I see no reason to accept it.  If you want to forbid the
use of ip6:  -ip6:0:::/128 -ip6:8000:::/128
(or something similar.  Brain is not yet booted up fully)

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