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Re: [spf-discuss] Cities with SPF-equipped domains?

2006-10-20 18:57:44
Everyone please check (their) cities' domains so we can add the ones with SPF records. I think that such a list would make a fun news item.

Here is a few more:

Boston, MA, USA  cityofboston.gov
New York City, NY, USA   nyc.gov
Salt Lake City, UT, USA    ci.slc.ut.us
Kennebunk, ME, USA    kennebunkmaine.org
Winthrop, ME, USA    winthropmaine.org
San Diego, CA, USA  sandiego.gov
Seattle, WA, USA    seattle.gov
Westbrook, ME, USA   westbrookmaine.com
New Gloucester, ME, USA newgloucester.com

In case you didn't figure it out...I'm from Maine..  :-)

Michael Breton

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