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[spf-discuss] Will not be able to be on spf council next year

2007-01-04 21:44:41

I want to let you know I'll not be able to be on spf council next year
(even if I was to be nominated). Primary reasons is time - I've had
less available time this year then I originally expected (one full
time consulting work for later part of the year and two part-time
plus another project; I expected some of that to finish mid-year
but it did not), which really effected my participation in SPF
activities and so I've not done what I should have on SPF Council -
Please accept my sincere apologies for that!. I'll actually attempt
to fix some of that this month (i.e. minutes for council meetings; although those are going to be rather brief) as I expect to have
some "extra time", but in general I do not know how busy my schedule
would be after that (will probably ends up being just as busy...),
so I do not want to make any commitments that I can not be sure
I can keep. However as I have more time I'll continue to participate
on mail list in general especially if protocol additions and/or
changes are going to be discussed and will also try to keep you
informed about what I find relevant from other IETF and non-IETF
groups where I participate.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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