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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: libspf2 sample programs

2007-01-04 21:52:47
On Thursday 04 January 2007 21:39, Dan_Mitton(_at_)notes(_dot_)ymp(_dot_)gov 
I saw the RFC and the result definitions, however my testing seems to get
'unknown' for names that do not resolve.  Names with no SPF records get
'none'.  For example:

bash-2.03# perl -MMail::SPF::Query -le 'print for Mail::SPF::Query->new(
helo=>shift, ipv4=>shift, sender=>shift )->result' foobar
Please see
gorian: domain of sender foobar does not exist
magorian: error in processing during lookup of foobar

bash-2.03# perl -MMail::SPF::Query -le 'print for Mail::SPF::Query->new(
helo=>shift, ipv4=>shift, sender=>shift )->result' foobar
SPF: domain of sender yahoo.com does not designate mailers
magorian: domain of yahoo.com does not designate permitted sender hosts


I will be out of town for a few days, so we can take up this lively (and
very useful, at least for me) discussion then.

I just checked with pyspf (which is one of the two SPF implementations 
validated by the project to be compliant with the RFC 4408 test suite the 
project developed - Mail::SPF::Query is NOT the other one) and it properly 
returns a result of None.

At one point the SPF specs called for an error for non-existent domains 
(Mail::SPF::Query was developed early in the project and has never been 
updated to be compliant with RFC 4408).  It looks to me like you are seeing a 
result that is caused by an obsolete design in Mail::SPF::Query.  See 
paragraph 2.2.2 of the last pre-IETF specification:


The pyspf library is the engine behind my validator:


You can check it for yourself.  Mail::SPF is the new RFC 4408 compliant PERL 
implementation.  The Java implementation, jSPF is believed by it's developers 
to be RFC 4408 compliant, but we haven't fully validated that yet (I have no 
reason to doubt them).


Scott K

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org/
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