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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: libspf2 sample programs

2007-01-09 12:05:20
On Tuesday 09 January 2007 13:48, Dan_Mitton(_at_)notes(_dot_)ymp(_dot_)gov 
I could easily get Python 2.5 for Solaris 2.8, but we don't have any other
Python in the environment, so it would be difficult to get it in.  I think
I could upgrade my Perl easier.  Or, if the 5.6.1 fix is out shortly, I
can start my testing with Mail::SPF::Query and switch to Mail::SPF when
the fix is in (uur, I mean out).

OK.  Then I wouldn't sweat the Python.

My interpretation of our IRC conversation is that there will be a fix this 
week, possibly even later today.

Scott K

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