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[spf-discuss] Mail::SPF 2.003 with Perl 5.6 compatibility (was: libspf2 sample programs)

2007-01-09 17:39:05
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I think this belongs on the spf-devel list, so please follow-up there
instead of on spf-discuss.

Dan Mitton wrote:
I've tried to go to Mail::SPF version 2.002 (which I believe is current)
but when I do a 'make test', I get the following.  I'm running on
SunSolaris 2.8, Perl 5.6.1 --

bash-2.03# cd ../Mail-SPF-2.002/
bash-2.03# make test
/usr/local/bin/perl Build --makefile_env_macros 1 test
t/00.00-class-misc............Using /usr/local/opt/Mail-SPF-2.002/blib
t/00.01-class-util............Using /usr/local/opt/Mail-SPF-2.002/blib

#   Failed test 'use Mail::SPF::Util;'
t/00.01-class-util............NOK 1/16#   at t/00.01-class-util.t line 14.
#     Tried to use 'Mail::SPF::Util'.
#     Error:  Constant name 'HASH(0x30404c)' has invalid characters at 
/usr/local/opt/Mail-SPF-2.002/blib/lib/Mail/SPF/Util.pm line 230
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00.01-class-util.t line 14.
# Compilation failed in require at (eval 3) line 2.

Like Scott wrote, that seems to be the same problem as rt.cpan.org bug

There was one other Perl 5.6 incompatibility, as I was able to find out
after having spent several hours setting up a Debian Woody chroot with Perl
5.6 and getting all the Mail::SPF build dependencies installed in the
required versions:

t/00.99-class-misc............Using /usr/local/opt/Mail-SPF-2.002/blib
Unrecognized escape \p in character class passed through [...]

I managed to work around this Perl 5.6 oddity by saying "use utf8" in
several of Mail::SPF's modules.  (I said it was odd, didn't I?)

I have released Mail::SPF 2.003, which should be fully compatible with Perl
5.6 as had been promised by earlier releases.  I have uploaded it to CPAN,
however it may take a few more hours before it appears there for download.
Until then, you can get it here:


Please let us know how it works out!

BTW, I guess the fact that no one noticed Mail::SPF's Perl 5.6 incom-
patibility up to now means that few people are still using Perl 5.6.
Upgrading to Perl 5.8 is recommendable for many reasons.

 1. http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=24130

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