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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Another test case for the test suite...

2007-01-10 08:56:53
On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 04:44:57PM +0100, Frank Ellermann wrote:
Julian Mehnle wrote:
Right, if "something" includes an empty answer packet with 0 RRs.

That's different.  Ignore that thread, I think it's clearer based
on your table adding the case "something but no v=spf1".  

From our point of view, records returned but not starting with
"v=spf1 " or being exactly "v=spf1", are exactly the same as the
DNS answer "domain does exist, but no records of requested type"
(in other words: 0 answers).  It doesn't matter if this is in the
SPF result set or the TXT result set.

(but do watch out for truncated answers!!!)

My opinion:

If the SPF type RR returns no SPF v=spf1 records, this MUST
mean the TXT type RR will also have no v=spf1 records.

Thus: SPF RR type "no SPF records" and TXT RR type "timeout" means "None",
not "TempError".

Similarly: TXT RR type "no SPF records" and SPF RR type "timeout" means "None",
not "TempError".


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