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[spf-discuss] Re: Better approach to the forwarder problem

2007-01-11 04:03:40
Hash: SHA1

Michael Deutschmann wrote:
I think the approach to dealing with forwarders needs to change.  In
particular, I think we should sideline SRS and work on some kind of SMTP
extension to make forwarder whitelisting easier.

Specifically, I'd like to see an ESMTP extension where a sender can say
"I'm a forwarder, the recipient knows me as X and trusts me, so don't
SPF-check this message".  X would be an identity that the recipient MTA
would check against a whitelist, and it would contain a domain so the
sender IP's right to claim that identity could be verified using
SPF-like DNS records.

This alternative approach to solving the forwarding problem, other than 
SRS, has been known for a long time.  The you-missing-it thing is probably 
due to the website not pointing it out very well. ;-)

However, ...

Unlike SRS, which places significant burdens on the forwarder, this
would only require a software upgrade.

... what, besides a software upgrade (even in a more central place), does 
SRS require?

Anyway, I agree that the alternative approach you describe is more likely 
to be deployed "soon enough" than SRS is.  (SRS may still be required for 
forwarders that aren't trustworthy enough for recipients to white-list 
them, though.)

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