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[spf-discuss] Status and support for SRS

2007-01-24 19:18:34
[forwarding 2nd time with change of subject this time]

I'm forwarding one selected message from another list (which had a
thread that turned into discussion on SPF). It would be beneficial
if there was an answer about this and list of SRS implimentations
(as well as SES) in the same way there is a list of SPF libraries
and implimentations.

Note: I removed name of the poster because there are folks on
SPAM-L that object to the list messages being publicly archived
without their permission

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:18:20 -0800
To: SPAM-L(_at_)PEACH(_dot_)EASE(_dot_)LSOFT(_dot_)COM
Subject: Re: BLOCK: junkemailfilter.*

SPF is broke, and no amount of claiming everyone else
should change how they do things will fix it.

10 years ago similar claims were being made about the necessity to
keep open relays and that closing them was an impossible task -
they're quite rare now, as same-envelope forwarding will be in the

What's the current status of the SRS efforts?  Are any of the big sites
signed up to do it?

It seems like a good idea to me, but then I found the FAQ at:
which says:
    But don't worry, we're working on providing SRS
    patches for the four major opensource MTAs, so that
    when you upgrade to an SPF-aware version, this
    problem will be solved also.
This has been going on long enough that I'd expect code to be available by
now, but maybe my clock is off.

The SRS FAQ at http://www.openspf.org/SRS gets pretty complicated.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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