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Re: [spf-discuss] Need some help understanding this situation

2007-06-13 00:09:48
Per Jessen wrote:
This list does not seem very active, but I'll try it anyway - 

You would be better off asking your question on [spf-help] and you will
probably get a quicker response.

we are an email filtering service so we "sit" in between our customer
and people that want to send them email.  (we obviously use MX

Are you handling all of your clients mail? Or are there other routes to
the customers mail server that would not travel through your filtering

The customers mailserver is smart hosted by a provider, nothing unusual
about it.  The question is - is it _right_ to plainly reject the email
from "adjoli.de" when the spf evaluation says "Neutral" ?

No this is not correct. But this action would indicate that the
customers server is running some sort of filtering of its own which i
would think completely unnecessary if your filtering service is running

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