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[spf-discuss] Postfix policy daemon woes (perl)

2007-09-17 11:46:55
Seen after Debian package upgrade perl-modules 5.8.8-7 -> 5.8.8-8:

Sep 17 08:25:26 HHH postfix/spawn[27585]: warning: command
  /usr/bin/perl exit status 2 
Sep 17 08:25:26 HHH postfix/smtpd[25653]: warning: premature
  end-of-input on private/policy-spf while reading input attribute name 
Sep 17 08:25:27 HHH postfix/smtpd[25653]: warning: problem talking to
  server private/policy-spf: Connection reset by peer 
Sep 17 08:25:27 HHH postfix/smtpd[25653]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
  REDACTED: 451 4.3.5 Server configuration problem; from=<REDACTED>
  to=<REDACTED> proto=SMTP helo=<REDACTED> 

Any suggestions other than to revert the perl-modules package?

(Or do the use the Python policy daemon instead.)


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