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[spf-discuss] pypolicyd-spf 0.5.1 (the John A. Martin release) released

2007-10-18 06:37:29
The new version can be found at:


Significant changes include:

 - Fixed a significant bug (present in 0.4 and later) so that reject on
   permerror now works. (thanks to John A. Martin for finding and reporting
 - Fixed the new 0.5 feature to use Postfix restriction classes to process SPF
   pass mail differently on a per user basis so it works (many thanks to John
   A. Martin for both suggesting this feature and helping me test it).
 - Added a new README to explain the per user filtering option (thanks to
   John A. Martin for providing it).

If there are features that would make this more useable for you, please let
me know.  The things that are currently first on my list of things TODO for
0.6 (no promises) are:

- Support some database types for DB lookup of whitelists.
- Add the ability to do prospective checking for outbound mail
- Depend on an external library for CIDR math rather than my current custom
- Improved logging
- Better documentation of the options and how they interact.

I'm working now on getting a new package uploaded to Debian.  It will be 
synced to Ubuntu once the repositories for the next release (Hardy) are open. 
Anyone who's working on packages for other distributions/operating systems, 
please update yours.

In related news, the most recent version in Ubuntu (0.4.1) is now available in 
dapper-backports, edgy-backports, and feisty-backports along with an upgraded 
python-spf where needed, so anyone using a supported Ubuntu version has it 
available through the packaging system.

Scott K

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