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RE: [spf-discuss] Re: Revising SOFTFAIL

2008-01-05 16:08:26
Edmig wrote:


Why do we care? If Y is reputable, and it says X is OK, we have

what we need. If Z is forged, we tell Y, and they fire X.


It'd be a simple matter of granularity. In your example you can

either trust relay X completely, or not at all. A bit crude,

don't ya think?


The granularity of the HELO name is controlled by the sender, as it

should be.


I'm talking about the 'receiver' granularity of making a determination

based on HELO. And since the same relay will almost always use the same

HELO,'receiver' granularity is close to zilch in that scenario.


If X can't get control of spammer accounts on its webmail servers, or

whatever, it would be very easy for them to use a different HELO name

for those servers.


In other words: let the legit relay determine what is spam, and let him

set a HELO accordingly? I'm afraid that doesn't make much sense. Other

than that you make spam-fighting an almost entirely passive operation that

way, having to rely on the goodwill and HELO of a legit relay who

allegedly already set a spam-HELO to indicate that the message to follow

will likely be spam, such a relay would be guilty of willingly sending out

spam in the first place. If you find a spammer on your server(s), you yank

his account, clear and simple; you don't let him send under a different

HELO. And if you're not the admin with sufficient privileges to remove his

account, then you notify someone who is. And if you ARE that admin, but

don't know how to remove the offending account anyway, then you notify

someone to remove you. :)


My ISP's servers (not my own) use a different strategy: they incorporate

the user account name in the HELO. Not even all that bad an idea, in terms

of helping receivers determine accountability. But it's a very rare thing;

and, for sendmail at least, I know it would require a customization of the

C source to get it to do that. So, I don't think we can really count on

such behaviors. The safest bet, way I see it, is to bank on the fact that

the HELO of the connecting client will not actively help you to make the

distinction between spammer and non-spammer (in terms of who uses his

relay), except in determining the overall status of whether said relay

itself is trustworthy or not. Hence, the lack of receiver granularity.


- Mark

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