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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Revising FAIL

2008-01-08 14:15:42
At 11:50 AM 1/8/2008, you wrote:
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Julian Mehnle wrote:
> Alessandro Vesely wrote:
> > The current paragraph reads
> >
> > 2.5.4.  Fail
> >
> >     A "Fail" result is an explicit statement that the client is not
> >     authorized to use the domain in the given identity.  The checking
> >     software can choose to mark the mail based on this or to reject
> >     the mail outright.
> >
> > I'd rather see
> >
> >     A "Fail" result is an explicit statement that the client is not
> >     authorized to use the domain in the given identity.  The checking
> >     software MUST reject the mail outright.
> >
> > Marking may allow messages with abused names to hit users. SPF should
> > avoid exactly that. There are no false positives, since the domain
> > owner is the direct origin of such "explicit statement". (Yes, there
> > may be errors in the SPF setup, that's why SOFTFAIL exists. See next
> > post.)
> The problem with mandating receiver policy is that receivers are going
> to ignore it at will.  Receivers will always do what they think is best
> for them.
> The current wording merely suggests possible reactions to the "Fail"
> result but does not mandate anything.  I think it's better that way.

Since there seems to be some desire to make the "Fail" definition more
explicit with regard to messages getting rejected, how about that:

| A "Fail" result is an explicit statement that the client is not
| authorized to use the domain in the given identity.  Domain owners
| should be aware that mail receivers typically reject messages on this
| result.  Alternatively, some receivers decide to mark the mail based on
| this.


This conveys both a heads-up to domain owners as well as a warm fuzzy
feeling to receivers that others, too, are rejecting on "Fail", without
actually mandating receiver policy.
-- snip --
Looks good.  May I offer this minor wording change...

| A "Fail" result is an explicit statement that the client is not
| authorized to use the domain in the given identity.  Domain owners
| should be aware that, while most mail receivers typically reject messages on this | result as suggested, some receivers may decide to mark the mail based on this.

I'm playing with semantics a little here in saying suggested, in that what I mean is what the word Fail suggests rather than the making of an actual recommendation. If developers were to take it as a recommendation, I would not be heartbroken. After all, when I publish an SPF record with "-ALL", such that the outcome is an explicit Fail for that domain, I would prefer the result was, in fact, a rejected message.

FWIW, in future versions of SPF it might be nice to introduce a "FAIL-REJECT" vs a "FAIL-BOUNCE" concept with some trigger in the SPF record to further indicate and further qualify the preference of the domain holder as to what the receiver should do with a "Fail". I'm not sure which would be considered the default, but perhaps the way to handle that might be to follow an "-all" with a "-reject" or "-bounce" or some such thing to indicate the domain holders desire. Personally, I think the default should be "-reject" to avoid having to receive the bounces from a "Fail". After all, I know it should fail because I created the SPF record, the receiver knows I want it to fail because they read and interpreted my intent, so let's just drop the problem message and save both our systems further time and energy.


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