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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Forwarder whitelisting reloaded

2008-01-18 12:20:37
David MacQuigg wrote:
At 12:05 PM 1/17/2008 +0100, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
David MacQuigg wrote:
Maybe we could show direct relationships with == and
indirect relationships with ~~ and "same ADMD"
relationships as MTA1/MTA2.  The situation we are
discussing is then illustrated as:
                               /                /====================\
Sender(s) ==> Transmitter --> / --> Receiver/Forwarder ~~> MDA ==> Recipient
                          Border       (box67.com)      (aol.com)

Thus, in case Robert's account at AOL provides for local
storage you would have written ~~> MDA/Recipient?

Or maybe ~~> MD Agent ==> MUA/Recipient -- MUA: Mail User
Agent - a program running on a Recipient's personal computer,
handling mail submission and retrieval.

Recipient, an individual in our discussions so far.

Ooops, you're right. I was thinking about his mail folders.

somewhere else you wrote:
Any mail forwarded by box67.com to that Recipient should
bypass all further filtering.

What if you relay (rather than forward) a message to Robert from box67.com, using it as an outgoing mail server? Will the extended trust still be operative in that case?

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