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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Forwarder whitelisting reloaded

2008-01-14 12:15:00
On Mon, 14 Jan 2008, Alessandro Vesely wrote:

original submitter. (AOL is peculiar in that it doesn't publish its
blacklist, AFAIK.)

Yes, that would neatly solve the problem if only I could query their
blacklist before forwarding to aol.com.  But since they don't provide that
and are a giant unresponsive corporation, I have to ban forwarding.
I suppose I could at least reject with 551.

              Stuart D. Gathman <stuart(_at_)bmsi(_dot_)com>
    Business Management Systems Inc.  Phone: 703 591-0911 Fax: 703 591-6154
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis" - background song for
a Microsoft sponsored "Where do you want to go from here?" commercial.

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