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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Forwarder whitelisting reloaded

2008-01-13 06:33:51
Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
On Sat, 12 Jan 2008, David MacQuigg wrote:
LOL :>) This perfectly describes an interaction I had with an "ADMD"
yahoo.com [who] dings the reputation of box67.com.

I've have the same problem repeatedly with AOL users.  They disable my
content filter, because they "like the AOL one better", then add a forward
to their AOL account and proceed to mark all the spam.  Everyone on
the same MTA then gets their AOL mail disabled.  And I have to spend days
going through the AOL process to get reenabled, and disable their forwarding
ability.  And they never do understand why I won't let them forward
or what the problem was.

I've ended up making a blanket rule - no forwarding to AOL.  Ever.  For
any reason - enforced by checking for aol.com in the MAIL TO for forwarded
messages by the outgoing mail milter.

Obviously, senders want to maximize the chances that what they send gets
delivered. However, I hadn't thought that one would sacrifice forwarding
to specific domains in order to maximize the sum of its delivery chances.

As an alternative, you may register a domain that you only use for SPF-
compliant forwarding of unfiltered mail. That domain will end up having
the reputation it deserves, i.e. some average of the global spam traffic.
To let recipients make a better classification, you may opt to do vanilla
forwarding for senders that either lack any SPF policy or authorize your
IP explicitly --to achieve the same effect w.r.t. DNSBLs you need to use
a dedicated IP as well.

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