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Re: [spf-discuss] Last Call!!! Mail System Terminology

2008-01-24 16:45:15
At 02:46 PM 1/23/2008 -0700, AlanM wrote:

The page at the url you specified in your attached looks very good.  The only 
feedback I have regards the heading statement "Open Relays are banned:" which 
I think would be better phrased as "Open Relays should be banned:".

The other titles are either declarative observational statements about the 
ASCII art flow diagram (first two) or present a recommendation (third).  As 
there is no way to globally ban an open relay, it would be factually wrong.  I 
certainly agree with the spirit of your statement, however "Open Relays should 
be banned:" is probably right, if not "Open Relays must be banned:".

How about "Open Forwarders must be banned".  That way we can avoid the 
ambiguous term "relay" entirely.  I tend to think of a "relay" as a machine, 
and the entities we are talking about are Agents.

I've made that change at http://open-mail.org/MHSmodel.html.  I will snapshot 
that page, and post it in the Mail System Terminology thread.  Thanks to all 
who contributed, both on and off list.

-- Dave

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