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Re: [spf-discuss] Yet another attempt to fix forwarding

2008-02-05 09:24:50
"Stuart D. Gathman" <stuart(_at_)bmsi(_dot_)com> writes:

It is worth taking note of what big ESP customers expect (at least
from my conversations).  They expect their ESP account to act like a
mail store ("where I check my mail").  They expect to be to register/purchase
email addresses that end up in their "mail store" when sent to.
They do *not* expect to have to keep track of all their email addresses
(i.e. forwarders in most cases).  Computers are supposed to keep track of 
for them.  When I try to explain "forwarding", they want to know where
they can see the list of all their email addresses.  The suggestion
that they should have to keep track of the list in order for email to work
properly is met with disbelief.  This is a pretty reasonable set of end-user
expectations, actually.

I disagree about it being reasonable. To my mind there seems absolutely
no point in having these additional email addresses which all forward
to the one ESP account if replies are sent (both rfc2821 and 2822) from
the ESP account rather than the forwarded email address. If someone
sends an email to user(_at_)example(_dot_)com which is forwarded to 
and the response comes back from user1(_at_)esp(_dot_)com, the sender is likely 
update his address book and in future send directly to user1(_at_)esp(_dot_)com
(thinking that the recipient has changed his email address). 

Which is another problem with this type of forwarding (rather than
forwarding an email to someone else to handle or for information etc),
that it is often not simple for the recipient to send any reply as
though from the forwarded account rather than the final destination
(where it is actually being read).

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