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Re: [spf-discuss] Yet another attempt to fix forwarding

2008-02-06 00:26:45
David MacQuigg wrote:
At 01:37 PM 2/4/2008 -0500, Stuart Gathman wrote:
  They do *not* expect to have to keep track of all their
email addresses (i.e. forwarders in most cases).  Computers are
supposed to keep track of stuff for them.

[...]  Ultimately, it is the Recipient (or his secretary) that must
keep track of his own email addresses, his own passwords at various
services, etc.

Fortunately, files management is fully automated, nowadays :-)

There are users who don't bother to register their own domain, they may need forwarding for years, for email based registrations and because it is not possible to know who still has one's old address. You mentioned Yahoo!, who has managed to make forwarding recipes accessible from the web: A proprietary solution not universally available. (My former employer is still missing it, although most MTAs provide for forwarding recipes.)

FF gets more complicated by including forwarding recipes management. It adds the cost of maintaining databases at both forwarders and recipients. A wsdl, if we'll stick to using web services, will have to be specified. IMHO, the resulting solution is somewhat cleaner than tricky expediences that, as cleverly designed as they may be, fail to properly define a chain of trust on the recipient's side of a message path.

Does the added stuff balance the costs? The question is threefold. One aspect concerns the final runtime costs. That is not the same as the installation costs at each site. The third point is about the increased design, development, and testing costs. In all cases, if the solution will be really awesome, costs will be happily dealt with.

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